Rheumatology and Haematology
CPD Points: 12 points
This pack comprises presentations on the common conditions seen in general practice. There are 11 lectures in this pack on topics including cancer screening, minor surgical procedures, toxicology and otolaryngology.
Course Description
This pack comprises presentations on the common osteo conditions, pain management and common injuries of the muscular skeletal system seen by general practitioners. This pack comprises of 6 lectures on topics such as common sports injuries, arthritis and osteoporosis.
The course contains lectures on the following topics:
- Common Sports Injuries – Jeanne M. Doperak, DO
- Back and Neck Pain – Francis G. O’Connor, MD
- Case Studies in Arthritis – Thaddeus A. Osial, Jr., MD
- Anemia and Thrombocytopenia – Peter G. Ellis, MD
- Thromboembolism and Thrombosis – Phillip E. Lamberty, MD
- Osteoporosis – Donald B. Middleton, MD; Marianne Koenig, PharmaD BCPS
What you will learn
Those who complete the entire program should be able to:
- Determine diagnosis and treatment of common rheumatic diseases
- Understand key history and physical examination elements of lumbar and cervical spine
- Recognise signs and symptoms of concussion and describe evaluation and treatment plans
- Identify where to find helpful risk screening tools for Osteoporosis
- Understand treatment strategies for DVT
- How to evaluate anaemia in clinical practice